Saturday 27 June 2020

My origami

Origami is the art of paper-folding. Its name derives from Japanese words ori (“folding”) and kami (“paper”)

I love origami, here are some pictures of my origami work. 

I made a stall in an exhibition and sold my art work there, you can read all about it on my mother’s blog here is the link

This is Ninja star and Envelops  

This is Rainbow spring, and book marks   

These are knifes 

These are fighter planes 

Thursday 25 June 2020

Alex and his aunt, horror story

Once upon a time their was a boy his name was Alex, his mother and father died when he was 7. He lives  with his aunt, one day when he woke up he heard strange noises. He went down stairs and saw his aunt staring the wall, and he saw that she was holding a knife in her hand. He was very scared that he ran upstairs and lock the door, he knew something was wrong. After some hours he felt hungry so he went downstairs and took some food and than he saw his aunt staring at him with a creepy smile. He ran upstairs and locked the door, and he heard some noises of crashing plates. He was terribly frightened, so he peeked through the key hole and saw his aunt coming towards the door, and holding a knife in her hand. Than she begun to bang the door very hardly. Few min later the noise stopped, than he ate the food and after some hours he felt very tired, so he slept. Next day he woke up again, and heard very very strange noises. He went downstairs and saw the wall where his aunt was staring, and it was saying [I WILL KILL YOU] Than He noticed that it was written from blood. Than he discovered that his aunt has died, and when he turned back he saw the ghost, His hair was on his face, his mouth was full of blood, Things was shaking, and suddenly the lights went off. Few sec later lights came back, but the ghost was not there, so he picked up the phone and dial 911. but the phone just rang, so he decided to ran away. He heard foot steps of someone, he grabbed some food and went to the door. He unlocked the door, but it was not opening. He was very very frightened. The ghost went in other room. He ran to his room very very fast, and lock the door, than he ate the food,7 or 8 hours latter he slept. At midnight the lights went out again, he turned on his flesh light, and looked around the room. He heard some crying noises from the side of the door. He ran down stairs and opened the main door and it opened. He ran and ran until he came to a police station. He told his whole story, but the police was not very sure. He said to them he will show his house. The police agreed, and went with him. when they entered the house they found a coffin, when they opened it, there was a terrible smell, and They found his aunt in that box. the police sent the poor boy to his relative.   

Wednesday 10 April 2019